Nathan Whitlock
Nathan Whitlock
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There is a new episode of the WHAT HAPPENED NEXT podcast every Monday morning. The Approximators will be hosting a bunch of live-karaoke parties, in Hamilton and elsewhere. My books are still out there.


Nice things said about me:

“Whitlock is wry, smart, and never boring.” (1)

“An assured writer with a patient comic touch.” (2)

“An ear for authentic dialogue and the constant negotiation and disappointment that is adult life.” (3)

“Such a fine knack for observational details that one can’t help but become engrossed.” (4)

“Everyday mini-tragedies morph into snort-worthy comedy when put under Nathan Whitlock's microscope.” (5)

  1. Zoe Whittall
  2. The National Post
  3. Corey Mintz
  4. Popmatters
  5. Andrew Pyper


More about me:

Nathan Whitlock is the author of the novels A Week of This, Congratulations On Everything, and Lump. Nathan’s writing has appeared in the New York Review of Books, the Walrus, Chatelaine, Today’s Parent, the Globe and Mail, Best Canadian Essays, and elsewhere. He is the coordinator for Humber College’s Creative Book Publishing program, which he also teaches in, and makes the weekly author-interview podcast What Happened Next. He lives with his wife, award-winning author Meaghan Strimas, and their family in Hamilton, Ontario.

He occasionally plays the drums.

(Author photo by Kendra Marjerrison.)